Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Second version of the opening sequence


Here is the most recent version of our opening title sequence. Compared to our first initial edit, many alterations and improvements have been made. However, we are still aware that more work needs to be done , to ensure that we can get the best level that we can. Furthermore, by uploading the extract onto YouTube, we are able to record the audience responses and take into consideration of any comments made. 

Improvements and titles

Today's lesson

By following our 'to do' list we were able to make more progress during today's media lesson. We found that creating the list has benefited us hugely, as we now feel much more organised and aware of what jobs need to be taken place before the editing deadline.

In the start of the lesson we all agreed that the titles that we had made were not engaging enough or liked by all members of the group. So as a result,  we decided to make changes and alter the name 'TIE PRODUCTIONS' to a more appropriate name which shared the same theme as the image (the eye) and therefore came up with 'VISION PRODUCTIONS' instead as we believed that this matched the image of the eye more than 'TIE'. However, the original title wasn't abandoned as we decided to replace 'WOODFIRE IMAGES' with 'TIE IMAGES' as we felt that this re-arrangement of titles was more appropriate and fitted in with the images/ extract better.

Following this, we began to create the titles which would appear throughout the opening title sequence. We all agreed that the titles should look almost like they have been handwritten, as this is a common technique in which thriller movies use. However this was more of an issue than expected due to us all having different opinions of what colour, size and font the titles should be in. After having a discussion, we managed to negotiate and agree on one particular text, which was in a white sans-serif and hand written effect and that would suit the thriller genre well. We then just had to decided about where on the footage the titles would appear and which corner of the screen they will be presented. 

Furthermore, towards the end of the lesson we decided to make adjustments to our audio/dialogue. The reason for this was because the recordings of the News reports needed to be added and the fade in and out transitions needed to be placed before and after the non-diegetic music. As this would ensure that the audio would flow and sound more professional. However, after downloading the audio onto the editing program we discovered that the news reports didn't sound how we wanted them to , which was to have a deep fussy effect, as it would sound like the audio had come off an old-fashioned television. Therefore we had a 2nd attempt and fortunately managed to alter the audio in a software called 'Adobe Sound Booth'. 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Editing plan for the upcoming week

To do list

In order to be more organised and use our time efficiently in the next couple of weeks, we have produced a plan of the things that still needed to be done before the deadline. 

  • Upload current video onto YouTube 
  • Record Audience responses 
  • Discuss the duration of our extract at remove at least an additional 10 secondsof footage , if completely necessary 
  • Re-film the doorbell scene, as you can see the reflection from the film crew
  • Make alterations to the flash back and add transitions
  • Create/finish the production and main compnay titles eithe within adobe editing programeor with adobe after effects
  • Create a title list and add the titles to the opening sequence
  • Make final changes and small alterations
  • Upload the final draft to YouTube

continuing editing and Initial Titles

More progress

Last Friday we carried on editing in our free period, despite not having a media lesson that day. We decided to make alterations and improvements to our sound , however Emma is most confident in this field, therefore she made the changes. Firstly, she ensured that the dialogue could easily be heard and understood by adjusting the sound levels. She then added transitions in front and behind the sound effects, so that when the audio is heard, it sounds professional and to a higher standard. 
We then later decided that the eye opening title needed to be re-filmed. This was because due to not using a tripod, the video was shaky and we all agreed that the poor filming may affect our final grade and loose us marks. Therefore Emma suggested that we got rid of the original footage and re-filmed using the Canon 700D camera instead of a smartphone as this would produce a higher quality video, that wouldn't be shaky due to the camera sitting on the tripod. Furthermore, after filming our friend's eye, we uploaded the footage onto the editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro and re-added the titles. In addition, in our original footage we attempted to use a graphic match of the 'o' in 'production' with the eye pupil. However, the text didn't look appropriate and was out of place, so we decided that the text should be presented on the left hand side, next to the eye. 
In the second hour, we viewed the whole extract from the beginning and decided that the ' In association with Woodfire Images' didn't really match our extract, so we then removed the image of the gravestone and trees and then re-added the text onto where the establishing shot of the house is presented. The reason for this was because we felt that the introduction of the extract would come across as more professional, and also by adding the title here, the duration of the sequence was shortened, and this was something in which we wanted to achieve anyway due to the duration being too long.  
Towards the end of our media lesson, Izzy added the main title 'UNORTHODOX', which is the name of our opening sequence at the end of the extract. As mentioned earlier, we were inspire by another students opening sequence and use a similar title style to theirs. Whilst Izzy created the title, myself and Emma had an input on what the colour should be of the text and the size of the font. We also added a ' boom' sound effect for when the title appears, as we found that this made the ending more dramatic and engaging.
 Furthermore, we plan to make a title list in our next media lesson, and chose the size and font of the text before adding the actual titles. And if we have any spare time, then we plan to add the newspaper reports over the footage as again this will be effective and create tension. 

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Opening Titles- Analysis of another students work (A grade)

'TORN' title inspiration 

Myself and my group members have been inspired by another students opening sequence and the titles that were used. However, we especially liked the closing title which presented the name of the extract 'TORN'. The reason for this is because, the simplistic title is effective and by choosing the colour white , it makes the text stand out even more against the plain , black background. In addition, we liked their idea of having large, sans-serif font , as this makes the text easier to read and more engaging and we found from analysing other opening sequences, that this particular title style is fairly common within thrillers. Therefore we are considering to create titles that are similar to 'TORN'. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Progress in editing

Editing and initial titles 

Yesterday my group and I continued to make alterations to our video and began creating titles for the extract. However due to us being off college over Christmas, we haven't been able to make any more improvements, so now we are having to use our time wisely and try to do as much as we can within our media lessons. Firstly we decided to cut down parts of the opening sequence due to the duration being too long and lasting over 3 minutes, and the extract is only meant to last between 1-2. However, we struggled to remove any scenes, as we felt that every clip was relevant, therefore we decided to remove a few seconds off each scene that we believed weren't significant and managed to have a shorter duration of 2 minutes and 47 seconds. Although, we feel that this duration is still too long and aim to at least remove another 10 seconds just to be safe and make the duration
more appropriate. We later decided that the image of an eye was too simplistic and not engaging enough, so we then came up with the idea to have a video of the eye opening rather than a still image , so therefore Izzy went into the photo studio and recorded our friends eye using an extreme close up. Whilst Izzy was recording, Emma and myself continued to cut down the extract and started to make another title. We came up with the idea of having a black background and presenting the text 'In association with...' and  ' Wood-fire images' in white and orange, sans-serif font. In addition, we decided to look on the internet and find an appropriate image that could be used to represent the company/title, however we decided that this would be an act of copy right, but luckily Emma had taken an image of a sunset and graveyard the previous weekend , so we decided to use this instead as it wasn't copied and made the title more original. Furthermore we believed that this image

related to the thriller theme and looked fairly sinister, due to the use of dark colours and the silhouettes of the trees and grave stone. When Izzy returned we uploaded and saved the footage onto the computer and downloaded the video onto the editing software. Again we believed that the footage was appropriate and related to the thriller theme as the lighting was fairly dark and dull, and therefore this made our friends skin look paler and her eyes brighter and more noticeable. 

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Editing and initial Titles

Today's lesson

Today In our two hour media lesson, we managed to make more alterations to our extract and add more audio and titles. Throughout the lesson, me and Emma researched for copyright free audio which would be appropriate for the extract and add to the verisimilitude.
For example, we found audio for the shower scene , which was the water from the shower, a door bell, for when the victim arrives at the front door, and classical and mysterious music which will be played throughout the whole duration of the opening sequence, to add effect and create an tension. Whilst we were doing this, Izzy was transferring the audio onto the editing software and made changes to some of the flashbacks, in which we created last Tuesday. In addition, she deleted the last scene in our extract, which was when the victim and antagonist were sharing dialogue. The reason for this was due to our extract's duration being too long and we thought that this particular scene wasn't necessary due to us having other sound alternatives throughout the extract.

In the second hour, we started to create titles for our opening sequence. After researching giff's of black and white eyes, we were informed that we are more likely to gain more marks if we didn't copy and paste images from the internet. Therefore we went into the studio room next door and decided to take a extreme close up of our friends eye. In addition the titles will appear over the eye and will make the titles look more professional and to a higher standard.  

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Opening titles analysis- Se7en

Se7en opening titles analysis 

The image above presents the text 'SE7EN' in white sans-serif font. This particular text stands out against the black background and this is known as reverse block. Therefore this draws the audience's attention to the title and due to the the credits being simplistic this creates an eerie atmosphere. In addition the text is slightly smudged and quickly handwritten, suggesting an urgency which is typical in a thriler movie, due to it being fast pace. 

This image conveys the text 'NEW LINE CINEMA PRESENTS' In bold white sans-serif font. The use of capital letters again draws in  the readers attention. In addition the text is shown up against the background image of a book, and later on in the extract the antagonist is shown highlighting words on certain pages. Therefore this creates tension and causes the audience to question the actions performed in the opening titles. Furthermore I like the chosen font of the  text and has inspired me to use a similiar style in my own extract.
Clip analysed- 

First edit- Audience resoponse

Audience Response for initial edit 

I have come up with a questionnaire to find out whether my peers and family member like the first initial edit and whether they are engaged or not. I will take into consideration of the answers and apply the preferences to the extract

Q1- How did you feel about the extract being in black and white? 
Person 1- 'I really liked it actually. I thought it made the clip more engaging' 
Person 2- 'Black and white gives the extract abit more of an edge'
Person 3- 'It's makes it is scarier'    

Q2- Did you think the extract was tense?  
Person 1- 'Yes all the way through'
Person 2- 'Yes when the antagonist was stroking the girls' faces'
Person 3- ' Yes, it was really tense'       

Q3- Do you like the font chosen for the titles?
Person 1- 'Yes because they are simple but effective'
Person 2- 'Yes very good' 
Person 3- 'Yes they look good in the extract' 

Q4- The clip is over 5 minutes long, so which parts do you think we should cut out to make it shorter?
Person 1- 'After he leaves his desk as that scene doesn't need to be that long'
Person 2- ' Probably when he walks towards the mirror'
Person 3- 'Maybe when he turns off the record player' 

Q5- would you watch the opening sequence again?     
Person 1- 'Of course'
Person 2- 'Yes, definately'
Person 3-' Yes, I liked it