Thursday, 26 November 2015

Planning Journal- Initial idea 1

Initial Idea 1- Opening thriller sequence 

We first came up with a storyline that was partly set in a local woods and a childrens park. We believed that a parallel edit of both settings will be effective and create tension. In addition we thought that the protagonist could run through the woods looking slightly paranoid and scared as if being followed by somebody. We then decided that the scene should be cut to the children's park and this will allow the audience to relaxFurthermore this will then present the antagonist appearing and dispearing in the background, whilst cutting back to the protaginist running in the woods. We then thought that both characters should meet at the park and a close up of the antagonists face will apear on the screen. As we belive that this will leave the audience in suspense

However discusisng the idea with the group, we found that the idea was too common and I personally didn't like the idea myself . In addition we spoke to our media teacher and she also advised us to avoid woods as a setting and the idea of a stalker character due to them being to common and she wanted us to be more unique. 


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